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System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Home Browse means that this guider will get shown immediately after creation. guider.create Guider( attach To: clock, buttons: [ name: Close, then click on the clock., onclick: guider.hide All ], description: Custom event handlers can be used to hide and show guiders. This allows you to interactively show the user how to use your software by having them complete steps. To try it, click on the clock., id: third, next: fourth, position: 2, title: You can also advance guiders from custom event handlers., width: 450 The parameters for creating guiders are: attach To: (optional) selector of the html element you want to attach the guider to buttons: array of button objects name: Close, class String: primary-button, onclick: callback function for when the button is clicked (if name is close or next, onclick defaults to guider.hide All and respectively) button Custom HTML: (optional) custom HTML that gets appended to the buttons div description: text description that shows up inside the guider overlay: (optional) if true, an overlay will pop up between the guider and the rest of the page position: (optional / required if using attach To) clock position at which the guider should be attached to the html element title: title of the guider width.
The JEFF Nuclear Data Library The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File ( JEFF) project is a collaboration between NEA Data Bank member countries. The JEFF library combines the efforts of the JEFF and EFF/ EAF Working Groups to produce a common sets of evaluated nuclear data, mainly for fission and fusion applications. The JEFF suite of nuclear data libraries contains a number of different data types, including neutron and proton interaction data, radioactive decay data, fission yields, and thermal scattering law data. The latest release, JEFF-3.2 general purpose neutron data library ( March 2014) is available in ENDF-6 and ACE formats from the Web. JEFF data can be easily displayed and compared with other evaluated or experimental data using the JANIS software. JEFF meetings The JEFF project is managed by a scientific co-ordination group ( SCG) that meets twice a year. Technical achievements are reviewed at working group meetings in conjunction with the SCG meetings. The topics covered are: Benchmarking, testing and evaluations Radioactive decay and fission yield data Experimental data Fission product data Fusion relevant data Documentation for the JEFF and EFF projects JEFF Reports JEFF Reports are detailed studies carried out on very specific aspects of the JEFF project and can be used for referencing purposes. These are available free of charge from the NEA. List of JEFF Reports The documentation of the JEF( F) libraries is published in the JEFF Report series: Other references Other materials have been published describing the results of the thorough benchmark testing programme. Below, some references to the JEFF library project are listed. A. J. Koning, et al. Status of the JEFF Nuclear Data Library, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Jeju Island, Korea, 2010, p.1057 A. J. Koning, et al. The JEFF evaluated nuclear.
Windows Factoring Software Binaries (64bit & 32bit) by Jeff Gilchrist Last Updated:  August 25, 2013 This page has links to various Factoring software that I have compiled from source for Windows in 64bit and 32bit using Visual Studio 2010. Benchmarking information is provided on the Benchmarking Page. Note: You may need to download and install a Microsoft Visual C+ Redistributable Package if the application does not work when you try to run it. You may need the Visual C+ 2013 Redistributable Package (vcomp120.dll Visual C+ 2012 Redistributable Package (vcomp110.dll or the Visual C+ 2010 Redistributable Package for 32bit or 64bit software. For software compiled in 2009, download the Visual C+ 2008 Redistributable Package for 32bit or 64bit software. GGNFS - Number Field Sieve ( GNFS/ SNFS) Official GGNFS Project Site Beginners Guide to NFS factoring using GGNFS and MSIEVE GMP- ECM - Elliptic Curve Method ( ECM P-1, P+1 Official GMP- ECM Project Site * - BRG = Compiled by Brian Gladman MSIEVE - Self- Initializing Quadratic Sieve ( SIQS) and Number Field Sieve ( GNFS/ SNFS) Official MSIEVE Project Site Beginners Guide to NFS factoring using GGNFS and MSIEVE YAFU - Quadratic Sieves ( SIQS/ MPQS/ QS  Elliptic Curve Method ( ECM P-1, P+1, Squfof, Rho, and Fast Sieve of Eratosthenes Official YAFU Project Site This web page is maintained by Jeff Gilchrist, Copyright ( C) 201. This web page best viewed using a resolution of 800 x 600 or higher.
Here at Jeff, my goal is to provide the tuning community with excellent software that will improve their vehicles performance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at You can purchase and download software directly from my website. The entire process is very simple. First, purchase your desired product using the paypal button located on the respective page. Next, you will receive an email containing your login information. You then use this to login above and access your software. Simple! The user control panel allows you to download any and all products you have purchased! Subie- SSM is a datalogging program that interfaces with virtually any Subaru vehicle that supports the SSM protocol. Its main design goal is to provide the user with the ability to log engine rpm, vehicle speed, acceleration, power, and torque. This data can then be opened in Log- Analyzer(also a product) and analyzed in many ways to provide the user with a plethora of information. No need to purchase an expensive accelerometer which can be inaccurate and clunky to configure. Take it from me, I've owned one for years now and still I chose to replace it with Subie- SSM. UTI is a datalogging program written for use with the Turbo XS UTEC. It features autologging, shift alerts, flash gauges, real-time tables and much more. Store all of your data in separate tables that makes it easier to visualize what is happing in your engine. Never before has tuning your car been so easy. Log analyzer program. Standard plot, xy plot, timing, completely customizable and flexible to any log format. A completely overhauled version of UTI- ME, this time written using Java. In this revised version, you have access to powerful features such as smoothening, row/column interpolation, and mass 2-d interpolation. Also new is the ability to create/modify.
Welcome to my NVDA Add-on Repository. This page aims to bring together all of the optional components available for the free, open source screen reader known as NVDA. Before you can install any of the below add-ons, you must first install NVDA. You can get NVDA at this link and follow the talking installer. The add-ons listed below are separated into headings and if there are multiple parts to a specific add-on, such as voices that can be downloaded, they will be listed under subheadings. Instructions for installation You can install an add-on by following these steps. Press insert+n to enter the NVDA menu Press t for tools Press A for manage add-ons Press tab until you get to the install button (or simply press alt+i) If you tabbed to the Install button, Press space or enter to activate it Browse to the folder where the add-on you want to install is located Press enter on the add-on to install it NVDA will ask you if you want to restart at this time. Whether you choose to restart is up to you but it is a good idea to restart especially if you install other voices Application Specific Add-ons Bittorrent Sync Author: Nick Stockton Version: 1.6 This add-on currently provides the following Accessibility improvements for BTSync: Provides a hotkey ( CTRL+ Alt+ Tab) to set focus to the tab control of the main dialog or the folder preferences dialog. The user can then use left-right arrow keys to move between tabs and the tab key to jump to the body of the tab as normal. Prevents list view objects from firing multiple focus events. Without this fix, NVDA would repeat the currently focused list item of some list views incessantly. Allows the user to use the Applications key or Shift- F10 key combination to open the context menu for the currently selected item in a list view. Labels some edit boxes within the program that have incorrect or no labels. Download the Bittorrent Sync.