Editar mygsfun dll

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Bienvenidos a un nuevo tutorial, hoy aprenderemos a reducir los mensajes o logs del Game Server. ¿ Qué es esto se preguntarán? La respuesta es la siguiente: Todos o casi todos los ejecutables [.exe] de nuestro servidor Mu Online, generan unos archivos de tipo.txt llamados *. LOGS Estos logs contienen dentro lo acontencido en cada uno de esos.exes, si tenemos pocos usuarios el movimiento general del server no será mucho, pero el problema puede aparecer cuando tenemos poco espacio de disco rígido y varios usuarios online ya que estos archivos de textos se pueden volver demasiados pesados( Hablamos de su tamaño en MB/ GB) y de esta forma consumirnos el disco. Existen.bat programados para ejecutarlos y borrar estos archivos *.txt pero lo ideal sería desactivarlos definitavamente. ¿ Para que sirven estos *.log? Porque muestra los registros de nuestro servidor, lo acontecido durante ese lapso de tiempo el cual nos permite tener constancia de diferentes hechos. ¿ Es recomendable deshabilitar la generación de *.logs? No, pero si no tenemos un disco rígido amplio, lo idea sería desactivarlo. ¿ Cúal de todos los *.logs son los más pesados? Sin duda, los del Game Server.exe [ Salvo que tengamos un folder o hacker en el Connect Server] ¿ Cómo desactivo los *.logs del Game Server? Dependiendo la versión debemos buscar algo similar a lo siguiente Este un ejemplo para quienes utilizan la.dll My Gs Fun.dll mygsfun.ini No Write Log = 0 LOG = 0 GCS = 0 Y desde el commonserver.cfg de nuestro servidor Commonserver.cfg Write Skill Log = 0 Write Chat Log = 0 En versiones Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 o Season 6, esta configuración la encontramos en los archivos.ini de la carpeta Game Server. desactivar_logs.rar [2 KB].
home products resource tuner tutorials Resource Tuner lets you open Windows executable files such as. EXE. DLL, Screensavers (. SCR OCX Controls, and several others. Once inside, you can change the icons, cursors, dialogs, buttons, sounds, animations and other elements of the user interface used in a particular program by editing and replacing resources in the executable file. However please be advised that you can't get to everything in a binary file. You will not be able to modify the actual program code in any way: resources are separated from the program code. That is, you can only make significant changes to the interface of the program while leaving the code untouched. For more serious changes (though this may not do you any good unless you have a good understanding of programming functions check out PE Explorer. For viewing and editing the raw binary data contents of the DLL file, use Flex Hex Editor. Open an EXE or DLL file in Resource Tuner Resource Tuner contains a number of methods for opening files. To open a file for browsing or editing resources, click the toolbar button or select File > Open [ CTRL+ O]. The dropdown menu next to the toolbutton gives you quick access to recently open files. This list can be also accessed from the File > Recent Files menu option. The number of files in the list can be controlled from the Customize dialog. You can open a file in Resource Tuner by right-clicking it in Windows Explorer and selecting Open with Resource Tuner from the context menu: Alternatively, you can drag and drop a file from the Windows Explorer onto the Resource Tuner icon or running Resource Tuner. You can also open a file from the command line. Usage:  restuner.exe It is recommended to perform all file operations with copies of the originals and then only after you have moved the copies to a separate directory other than the parent or.
Vários videos na Internet ensinam a HOOKAR dll no Game Server.exe mas nenhum mostra o Game Server.exe funcionando depois de pronto. Ajudem ai mostrando.
Res Edit Home Page Res Edit is a resource editor for Windows programs. The original purpose was to help C+ developers to create resource scripts. Now it can also be used to modify any resource in PE files (exe, dll.) and compiled resource scripts (res files). Download The current version of Res Edit is. You can download 32-bit or 64-bit version : Res Edit changelog is available here. You will need the Windows® Platform SDK to develop with Res Edit. Donate Res Edit is a freeware program. You can donate if you want to support Res Edit development. Thank you in advance! Our supporters PELock Software Protection and License Key System Screenshots You will find some screenshots on this page Documentation Res Edit online documentation is available on this page. Features Importing rc files generated by Microsoft Visual Studio resource editor. Supported formats : Resource Script (rc Compiled Resource Script (res Win32 Portable Executable (exe, dll). Format conversion in command-line mode. Advanced Dialog editor. All existing kind of Win32 controls are supported ( Static text, Buttons, Edit controls, Pictures.). A basic picture editor to open and modify bitmaps, icons and cursors Possibility to include all sort of resources. Generation of C+ code for the Dialogs (code with Create Window Ex) and Menus ( Create Menu, Create Popup Menu.). However it is not possible to import C+ sources files. Unlimited Undo/ Redo buffers Customizable layout : you can drag and drop panels to place it wherever you want. Translations You can help me if you want to translate Res Edit into your language. This file contains all character strings which can be translated. To create a new language, you just have to begin a new column with your language name. Please send me your txt ou modified xls file, even if your translation is incomplete. It will be released on this site.