Vb net interview questions and answers download

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Friend − Specifies that one or more declared programming elements are accessible from within the assembly that contains their declaration, not only by the component that declares them. Friend access is often the preferred level for an application's programming elements, and Friend is the default access level of an interface, a module, a class, or a structure.
How to find data with generics list in VB. NET ( Write code). In the code example below, the function “ Find Data” will return list(“sublist”) of the objects having matching Key same as viewstate value. Dim sublist As List( Of My Class) sublist = all Client. Find All( Address Of Find Data) ‘sublist will contain objects matching specified matching condition Function Find Data( By Val b As My Class) _ As Boolean If (b.matching Key = CInt( View State( matching Key ) Then ‘matching condition Return True Else Return False End If End Function How to deal with return value of stored procedure when you are using Data Reader? To deal with such scenario, you can find “ Parameter Direction. Return Value”. You can use this parameter direction to read the return value of the stored procedure. Following example can make it more clearer. In case, you have following or similar type of return statement somewhere in your stored procedure. Return -999 To read this value, following code works, Dim result As Integer = 0 Dim ret Val Param As New Sql Client. Sql Parameter( @ RETURN_ VALUE, Sql Db Type. Int) ret Val Param. Direction = Parameter Direction. Return Value db Command. Parameters. Add(ret Val Param) database. Execute Non Query(db Command) result = ret Val Param. Value ‘ here the result must contain the returned value. In this case, it will be -999 Thanks, Bhakti Shah How to assign width to label/button/textbox in vb.net? With some scenarios you need to assign width to the controls rubtime. Generally we tend to make it soecified with percentage. At runtime we can use following way to make such assignments. Label1. Width = Unit. Percentage(12.12) You can have “pixel” or “point” as measurement unit and get your desired result set. Have you ever used IIF? Explain. Sometimes, you need to bind data using ternary functions from code file. With VB, you can achieve this thing using IIF function. For an example, here in code below at the.