The perfect specimen 411

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THE SOUTHERN SIDE OF THE CIVIL WAR FACTS YOUR HISTORY TEACHER MAY NOT HAVE MENTIONED ABOUT THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES Michael T. Griffith 2004 When I began to study the Civil War, I realized that much of what I had been taught about it in school was either wrong or incomplete. It has been said that history is written by the victors. This is especially true when it comes to the Civil War. The Southern side of the story is rarely presented fairly in our public schools and textbooks today. I believe it is important that we as Americans know the whole truth about the Civil War. The purpose of this article is to present the South’s side of the story. The following basic facts are undisputed: The seven states of the Deep South seceded in response to the victory of the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln, in the 1860 election. These states formed the Confederate States of America. Lincoln refused to recognize the Confederacy. A small federal garrison occupied Fort Sumter, South Carolina, on December 26, 1860. The Confederate government attempted to negotiate the withdrawal of the garrison from the fort. Lincoln decided not to withdraw the garrison. Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861. Lincoln issued a call-up for 75,000 troops to put down what he claimed was a rebellion in the South. Four more Southern states joined the Confederacy. Lincoln sent federal armies into the South. The war lasted approximately four years and ended in April 1865. The version of the Civil War that’s taught in nearly all textbooks goes something like this: “ The only reason the South wanted to leave the Union was to protect slavery. The South had no right to secede. The South started the war by firing on Fort Sumter. The war was fought over slavery. The defeat of the South was a victory for government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’”.
Objective. Pediatricians are encountering body composition information more frequently, with percentage of body fat (% BF) measurement receiving particular attention as a result of the obesity epidemic. One confounding issue is that different methods may yield different % BF results in the same person. The objective of this study was to compare dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry ( DXA) with the criterion 4-compartment model (4- CM) for measurement of % BF in a large pediatric cohort and to assist pediatricians in appropriate interpretation of body composition information by recognizing differences between techniques. Methods. Height, weight, anthropometrics, body density by underwater weighing, total body water by deuterium dilution, and bone mineral content and % BF by DXA ( Lunar DPX/ DPX- L) were measured in 411 healthy subjects, aged 6 to 18 years. Values for % BF by 4- CM and DXA were compared using regression analysis. Results. The mean ± standard deviation values for % BF by DXA (22.73% ± 11.23%) and by 4- CM (21.72% ± 9.42%) were different, but there was a strong relationship between the 2 methods ( R2 = 0.85). DXA underestimated % BF in subjects with lower % BF and overestimated it in those with higher % BF. The relationship between the 2 methods was not affected by gender, age, ethnicity, pubertal stage, height, weight, or body mass index. The standard error of the estimate was 3.66%. Conclusion. This analysis demonstrates a predictable relationship between DXA and 4- CM for % BF measurement. Because of its ease of use, consistent relationship with 4- CM, and availability, we propose that DXA has the capacity for clinical application including prediction of metabolic abnormalities associated with excess % BF in pediatrics. Received October 30, 2002. Accepted July 14.
Schefflera arboricola Arboricola An Arboricola, or Hawaiian Schefflera Plant, originally came from Taiwan and can be grown as an indoor houseplant or an outdoor plant in moderate climates. Hawaiian Schefflera plants can be as large as 8ft specimen trees with beautiful braided trunks or as small as 5″ and be used in dish gardens. Arboricola plants are perfect table or floor plants for home or office. They are also an excellent choice if you want to try your hand at the art of bonsai The goal of creating a Bonsai Plant is to grow a small specimen plant arrangement that mirrors the large original plant found in nature. Hawaiian Scheffleras are bushy upright houseplants with masses of small, shiny, leathery leaves. The regular Hawaiian Schefflera has solid green leaves, the Capella variety has gold and green leaves, and the Hawaiian Schefflera Trinette has white and green leaves. Light The brighter the light the faster and bushier a Hawaiian Schefflera Plant grows. Variegated Hawaiian Scheffleras, like the Capella, require more light than solid green varieties. Direct sun burns the leaves of any type of Schefflera. Water Water a Hawaiian Schefflera Plant well and then allow the top 1/3 of the soil to dry out before watering again. Seemingly healthy leaves fall off and new growth turns black when a Hawaiian Schefflera plant is over- watered. Leaves turn bright yellow when a Hawaiian Schefflera Plant needs more water. Fertilizer Fertilize a Hawaiian Schefflera plant monthly in the spring and summer with a basic houseplant food at 1/2 the recommended strength. Avoid feeding an Arboricola when the plant is not actively growing. Temperature Hawaiian Schefflera plants grow well in normal household temperatures. Try to keep Schefflera Plants out of cold drafts and away from heaters and air conditioners. Humidity Normal household humidity is sufficient for a Hawaiian.
1 [x] Your name is unusual (rare or unheard of) where you live.2 [-] People often say you are attractive.3 [x] You tend to deny compliments that you get.4 [ ] Other people of your same gender are jealous of your looks.5 [-] Your natural hair color is unusual or rare. ( I'm blonde, and I don't really see it that often myself)6 [ ] Your natural eye color is unusual or rare.7 [x] You strongly resemble a certain famous person. ( I've been told I resemble some people before)8 [ ] Despite poor eating and/or exercise habits, you are still thin. ( H ISH)9 [ ] Sometimes people worry that you're anorexic, but you're not.10 [ ] You are cross-cultural (your parents are from two different countries).11 [ ] You are half- or part- Oriental ( Japanese, Chinese, Korean, et cetera).12 [ ] Even after getting dirty or sweaty, you still look good.13 [-] You smell good without cologne, perfume, et cetera. ( I think I do? I mean i don't use any and i've never been told I don't smell.)14 [x] You have at least one scar with an interesting story behind how you got it.15 [x] You have at least one scar or birthmark that is plainly, obviously visible, but doesn't make you look ugly.16 [x] When you stare at people or off into space, they almost always ( A) feel like you're staring into their soul or reading their mind, ( B) think you're up to something, or ( C) feel like you know something they either don't know or don't want you to tell. ( YES YES YES)17 [-] You don't often get sick. ( I used to but not anymore)18 [ ] You often dress impractically (i.e. show up looking gorgeous to a charity event or marathon, somewhere you'd usually dress sloppy and casual).19 [-] You stand up for others, even if it means risking your own well-being. ( I've never really had to but I'd say I would if the situation presented itself)20 [-] You are brave or daring to the point of recklessness. (does roller coasters and.
Introduction: With WWE’s ratings continuing to find new lows this fall, the company is surely at a crossroads, which is a normal part of the business. It happened after Hulkamania, it happened briefly after the Attitude Era, and now we’re approaching what will likely be remembered as the post- Cena era. So what can the company do to turn things around and move into the next upswing cycle? Since rising to national prominence in the 1980’s, WWE has traded more on spectacle than actual sport or substance. To see evidence of this, one could simply compare the WWF of the 1980’s and early 1990’s with NWA/ JCP/ WCW – while WWF traded in Hulkamania and a seemingly never-ending succession of heel challengers who were either foreign or monsters or both, the company best known as WCW featured performers like Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat, Sting and Vader, keeping the focus on (scripted) athletic contests. Then came the Attitude Era/ Monday Night Wars, and while both companies indulged in the more soap operatic aspects of the business, WCW was still the best place to find good, compelling wrestling matches on a regular basis (even if they were mostly confined to the undercard). In recent years, WWE has significantly improved their in-ring product (in spite of limiting performers’ move sets and dumbing down the entire process but all too often, the wrestling itself is secondary to outside factors. Last time out, I looked at lessons WWE could learn from the Marvel Cinematic Universe; this time around, I am going to focus on what they could learn not only from the biggest rival in their history, but also from other entities like the NFL. Now, admittedly, the cynic in me believes that John Cena’s recent request for time off was a self-serving move in light of the recent ratings trends, and that when he does return, we are going to get at least another half-decade of him being the only.
Csonka’s WWE Fastlane Review OFFICIAL RESULTS – Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch defeated Tamina and Naomi @ 12:30 via submission [*¾] – WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Champion Kevin Owens defeated Dolph Ziggler @ 15:29 via pin [*¼] – Kane, Big Show and Ryback defeated The Wyatts @ 9:00 via pin [*] – Divas Title Match: Champion Charlotte defeated Brie Bella @ 12:30 via submission [*] – AJ Styles defeated Chris Jericho @ 16:23 via submission [*½] – Curtis Axel defeated R- Truth @ 2:23 via pin [ NR] – 1 Contender’s Match: Roman Reigns defeated Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar @ via pin [*] PRE- SHOW: US Champion Kalisto defeated Alberto Del Rio 2 falls to 1 to remain the US Champion. They did a good job, using some basic heel stuff with Del Rio using he chair for the foul, losing fall one in order to punish Kalisto to win fall two. Del Rio’s double stomp finish is still fucking stupid, because the guy has to hold himself up for him to hit it. I also wish that Kalisto had gotten to win with his finish, because the DQ was fine, but winning with the roll up/slip on a banana peel again felt like a cop out to protect Del Rio while not exactly making Kalisto. Mauro Ranallo was awesome on commentary, making me sad that I’ll have to listen to Michael Cole for the next three hours. I also have no idea why this was not on the PPV; it would have been a strong addition to the card. [*] – The Vincent J. Mc Mahon Legacy Of Excellence Award ceremony will kick off Raw tomorrow night. Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs. Tamina and Naomi: They heavily pushed the unity of Team BAD, while Lynch and Banks played reluctant tag partners, tagging in when the other wasn’t looking. Naomi worked her Speedball Mike Bailey kicks, and then Team Bad got the heat on Lynch, which was expected because she’s the more sympathetic figure and also because they have presented Banks as a stronger.