Net framework 3 5 sp1 beta download cannot install

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

There's been some confusion about the size of the. NET Framework. The. NET Framework is not really a 200+ meg download.  Which installer do I use? Here's the whole thing in a nutshell for Developers, ISVs, and Administrators. Offline Installer - One single file that can be run offline and can install the. NET Framework any system it's run on. It's complete, all platforms, installable offline. Online Installer - A 2.7 meg setup program that will detect what just the files you need, then go download between 10 and 60 megs. NOTE: If you're IT and inside an office, you'll want to decide if you want everyone in the office downloading. NET separately, or if you just want download it once, and have them to run it off a network share. Check out the Deployment Guide for Administrators for ways to push it out via AD or SMS. So how big is it the. NET Framework download, really? It depends on what you've already got installed. Here's some examples of my results using an XP SP2 machine.  Version of Framework installed Download size to get to 3.5 SP1 Time to Download (512 kbps) None ~56 MB 15 min 2.0 ~50 MB 15 min 2.0 SP1 ~33 MB 9 min 3.0 SP1 ~10 MB 3 min From a download perspective, those numbers aren't too bad. It's not nearly as bad as its been made out to be. I'm not saying this as a Microsoft apologist or paid Microsoft shill, I'm showing the numbers that I have seen in my testing. This is my opinion based on my testing. However, as a free-micro- ISV myself, and the distributor of a. NET Client Application, namely Baby Smash!, I'd like the download size to me as SMALL as possible. I've personally received the same emails many of you have - I'd love to download your software but I don't want to download a 200 meg. NET Framework. I'd like to help change that perception to get more people to run Baby Smash! and the best way to change negative perceptions is to improve reality.
— Update: – The comments posted below from selfman are so good that they need to be incorporated into the main body of this article on fixing. NET Framework issues. For his full description see his comment below. NET Framework Setup Verification Tool. NET Framework Cleanup Tool— There are times when. NET Framework can get corrupted on a computer. A corrupt. NET 3.5 can prevent PDQ Inventory from successfully scanning / managing the computer. To repair. NET Framework 3.5 refer to the instructions below. It is suggested that you log into the problem computer to repair. This way you can get some good feedback on whether the repair worked. Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2. NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is included in these two OSes and cannot be installed, repaired or uninstalled via the. NET Framework setup file. They need to be enabled or disabled as Windows Features. In Windows R2 disabling. NET 3.5 SP1 is the same thing as Uninstalling or removing. Note: A reboot may be required after disabling/removing. NET 3.5 SP1.  To Repair From The Command Line Open cmd.exe in an Elevated session (needed if UAC is implemented).  The next step is to disable the. NET 3 Windows Feature.  Run the following command at your command line: DISM /online /disable-feature / Feature Name: Net Fx3 (note that when using DISM all Feature Names are Case Sensitive. Using “netfx3” will result in a failure) After you successfully disable the Net Fx3 feature you can now re-enable it. Re-enabling is the same thing as Installing. DISM /online /enable-feature / Feature Name: Net Fx3 The screenshot below shows the results of both commands run in sequence. To Repair Manually from GUI Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off Clear the check box for Microsoft. NET Framework. Say OK. After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back  re-enable.
As described here: The promlem has been fixed after HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ NET Framework Setup\ NDP\v3.5\ SP was set to 1. More info here too (linked in the page above Also could you check the following two registry keys and let me know what the values are? HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Wow6432 Node\ Microsoft\ NET Framework Setup\ NDP\v3.5\ SP And HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ NET Framework Setup\ NDP\v3.5\ SP To get pass the install error, if the value of the registry is 0, set it to 1.
Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 is a full cumulative update that contains many new features building incrementally upon. NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and includes cumulative servicing updates to the. NET Framework 2.0 and. NET Framework 3.0 subcomponents.
UPDATE: This tool will also work in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Microsoft's latest OS Windows 8 comes with version 4.5 of. NET Framework which is required to run software programs developed using the same version of. NET. But there is one slight problem! Most of the existing software require version 3.5 of. NET Framework installed to be able to run. When you try to install. NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 8, it asks you to connect to Internet to download required installation files. For people who don't have Internet connection or who don't want to waste their Internet connection bandwidth in downloading. NET Framework 3.5 files from Internet, we shared a tutorial in past to install. NET Framework 3.5 offline in Windows 8 without Internet connection: How to Install Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 Offline in Windows 8 without Internet Connection? The method mentioned in the above article works fine in all editions of Windows 8 but sometimes a few people face problems while installing. NET Framework 3.5 offline. Some people get error messages while executing the command. Most of the times these problems occur due to incorrect syntax in command or due to insufficient permissions. To solve all these problems today in this article, we are going to share a free, small and portable tool for all Windows 8 users. This small utility has been developed by Ask VG reader Cedric Poottaren, so big thanks goes to him. Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 Offline Installer is a freeware created for Windows 8 which helps you in installing. NET Framework 3.5 in your system without any need of Internet connection. You just need to insert your Windows 8 setup disc in your CD/ DVD drive and then select the correct drive letter in the freeware and then click on Start Installation button. That's it. It'll automatically execute the required command and will install. NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 8. If you.