$wnd isc browser is null or not an object error

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

I'm pretty new to js in general, but from the tutorials I've read it seems like this should work. I'm just trying to use this plugin to make 3 boxes equal height. the boxes have border-radius and some other styling applied if that matters. Script code: $.fn.equal Heights = function(px) $(this).each(function var current Tallest = 0; $(this).children.each(function(i) if ($(this).height > current Tallest) current Tallest = $(this).height if (!px /use ems unless px is specified / for ie6, set height since min-height isn't supported if ($.browser.msie $(this).children.css( 'min-height current Tallest return this; ; / just in case you need it. $.fn.equal Widths = function(px) $(this).each(function var current Widest = 0; $(this).children.each(function(i) if($(this).width > current Widest) current Widest = $(this).width if(!px /use ems unless px is specified / for ie6, set width since min-width isn't supported if ($.browser.msie $(this).children.css( 'min-width current Widest return this; ; Page code: And I've applied the id of equalize to my div that contains the three boxes I want equal height. It doesn't seem to have an effect, and IE throws the script error $.browser.msie is null or.
Since you reopened, I'm sitting on IE8 not working with my (newbie-)requirejs configuration, too. I'm requiring Jquery, Jquery Mobile and Multiview as core plugins. My configuration looks like this: main.js require.config( / enforce Define:true, base Url./js/, paths: app :, jquery : libs/jquery/jquery, jqm : libs/jquery-mobile/jquery-mobile.min, multiview : services/multiview/multiview.min require([ 'order!jquery', 'order!jqm', 'order!multiview', 'app' ], function(jquery, jqm, multiview, App) App.start app.js define([], function var start = function require(['order!jquery 'order!jqm 'order!multiview'],function / core logic return start :start ; I'm pretty sure, this is not the best way of setting things up, but since it was my first try at requirejs I was happy that it's working. Except for IE8, which is telling me: 'mobile.widget' is Null or no Object inside the multiview plugin, which should be loaded after jquery and jqm (function( $, window) $.widget( mobile.multiview, $.mobile.widget. It's only happening in IE8 and I assume $ is undefined, but I have no idea how to fix it. Can you give me a pointer in the right direction? Thanks! EDIT: I have updated from to. Now all browsers complain $.mobile being undefined. searching.