Ultimate new york body plan workout

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

( Image Taken from Heidi’s website) Years ago, I heard Heidi Klum in an interview answering the question, “how do you stay so slim?” and her answer was “eat right and exercise”. That’s it.  She said it wasn’t easy, and that she really doesn’t enjoy exercise very much but she is willing to do it because of her modeling career.  David Kirsch is her trainer in New York and she says she regularly works out with him. How many of you have heard of David Kirsch?  I (live under a rock) had never heard of him until I received a press release about his new book, the Ultimate New York Body Plan.  I love reading these types of books because I always learn new things. Kirsch wrote this book with some of his clients in mind, who, really wanted to lose a lot of weight fast.  He has another book called Sound Mind, Sound Body that is more of a six week plan (anybody read?)- this one is strictly a TWO WEEK PLAN.  One and a half hours of exercise per day, followed by a strict diet of mostly protein and veggies.  No bread, no pasta, no rice, no carrots, no sweet potatos,  no fruits, no alcohol, no dairy, no sugar, no egg yolks.  Gee, if I dropped all those foods, I probably would lose ten pounds too.  This plan is for somebody who NEEDS something to get them to do this.  Such as a wedding, a family reunion, a high school reunion, a photo shoot. The Training Portion His program, I believe is designed more for women than men, but, I read some reviews of men who followed the program.  They just modified it with extra weights.  His plan is based on his philosophy that some women want to look sexy and sculpted but not bulky.  So, his entire weight circuit uses a medicine ball, light hand weights and a stability ball.  The book comes with a pull-out poster for all of his exercises.  There is a Cardio Sculpting Routine, an abs and core toning routine,  and a legs and butt routine.  Day 1 is.
With over two decades of experience uncovering and harnessing the powerful connection between mind, body and spirit, David Kirsch has become a leading authority on achieving optimal health and wellbeing at any age or fitness level. Throughout his years as a sought-after trainer, David has transformed the bodies-and lives-of countless devotees through his signature combination of mind-body condit With over two decades of experience uncovering and harnessing the powerful connection between mind, body and spirit, David Kirsch has become a leading authority on achieving optimal health and wellbeing at any age or fitness level. Throughout his years as a sought-after trainer, David has transformed the bodies-and lives-of countless devotees through his signature combination of mind-body conditioning, multi-tasking workouts and smart nutrition. From founding New York's award-winning Madison Square Club to developing unprecedented supplements, classes and techniques designed to maximize workouts; David has been a pioneer in the wellness field throughout his long career. Trusted by some of the world's most visible celebrities and influencers, David is the man with whom many A-listers train when they need to get in shape fast. One of the unique aspects of training with David is his expertise in reading different body types and his ability to target different parts of the body. In addition to authoring five books, including the bestseller The Ultimate New York Body Plan, David has appeared on numerous television shows, including The Today Show, E! and CNN World News, Dr. Oz, Live with Regis and Kelly and The View. Additionally, as a single father of four-year-old twin girls, he has expanded his wellness empire to include areas such as family and child fitness, nutrition and wellness. His website, David Kirsch Wellness.com, represents a passport to the complete David Kirsch.