Tomato firmware simulator qos guide

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Follow @ Tomato RAF TOMATO RAF Firmware 2014 r.1.3 Publicado / Posted. Vicente Soriano ( Victek). May/ 2, 2014 Comenzando la integración del Linksys WRT1900 AC con Tomato RAF: Más Información Starting Linksys WRT1900 AC integration in Tomato RAF: More Information Changelog Status Tomato RAF Development. Read here TOMATO RAF Firmware 2014 r.1.3 Publicado / Posted. Vicente Soriano ( Victek). Feb/ 2, 2014 Español;- Tomato RAF funciona en routers con plataforma ARM: Ver captura English;- Tomato RAF includes ARM router platform now: See Screenshot Descargar - Download it! TOMATO RAF Firmware 2013 r.1.3 Publicado / Posted. Vicente Soriano ( Victek). Nov/ Nov/ 23, 2013 Español, La versión definitiva 1.2 fue distribuida a final del mes de Junio, en la actualidad estamos trabajando para la V1.3, un repaso a las mejoras más destacadas hasta hoy: Adaptación de Tomato RAF para FTTH de Movistar ( VLAN's, Vo IP, IPTV). Ancho de banda de 193 Mbps de bajada y 135 Mbps de subida WAN- LAN con 3.000 conexiones concurrentes. Portal Cautivo para acceso público via wifi ( Nocat Splash). Servidor Web NGINX con PHP incluido y ventana de configuración para Wordpress, Joomla y otros paquetes. SIP Vo IP gestor (siproxd). IPv6 funcional al 100%. Filtros de control paterno por cadenas de palabras. DNSCrypt-proxy para comunicaciones seguras. Limitador de velocidad de bajada-subida para cada máquina conectada. Hasta 6 redes wireless ( SSID) para routers con banda dual ( GHz) Para el resto de cambios (unos 8.700 archivos) puedes leer este documento. o examina el código fuente aquí. English, The final stable release v.1.2 was released end of June, we're now working to V1.3, below you can read up to date features: Tomato RAF is ready for FTTH ( VLAN's, Vo IP, IPTV) Movistar. BW 193 Mbps Download, 135 Mbps Upload with up to 3.000 concurrent connections. Captive Portal for wireless free access ( Nocat Splash). Web.
In every household sharing a single Internet connection, the router is the linchpin of the network. It's also a piece of equipment that is easy to neglect after initial setup-many people configure LAN and Wi- Fi and never touch their router settings until a problem arises. But while configuring new network equipment can be a frustrating experience, we’re here to make sure hooking up your new router is all blessing and no curse. With some smart tweaks, we’ll have that new router running with rock-solid stability while outputting a better signal than ever before. No matter what brand and model router you’ve got, our step-by-step walkthrough will offer some helpful tips.   1. Check 3rd Party Firmware Compatibility DD- WRT and Tomato USB and see if your router is compatible with either custom firmware alternatives. These will be key in our quest to deliver a powerful, stable router. A great many routers from big names like Linksys, Belkin, Netgear, Asus, and D- Link are DD- WRT compatible, and Tomato supports a similar-but smaller-range as well. Check DD- WRT’s router database and Tomato’s build types to see if your router is supported-and make sure you take the version number into account. A Linksys WRT54 G v.6 may use a different firmware than a Linksys WRT54 G v.8, for example. Is your router supported? Good deal. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pick one of these firmwares and learn the installation procedure. Done properly, you’ll be outfitted with a powerful router. If you mess up, things could get a bit sticky, but you’re not likely to completely brick your router. Note: make these changes over a wired Ethernet connection. Don’t want to risk a wireless connection drop while you’re flashing new firmware! There’s an enormous volume of helpful material in the DD- WRT wiki and likely a page dedicated to your specific router. DD- WRT is my personal.
Have you ever tried to browse the Internet while someone else is gaming or streaming videos on another computer? You may have experienced slow service or possibly received a “timeout” notification in your browser. This happens because the router doesn’t know which traffic is most important. What is Qo S ( Quality of Service)? The term Qo S is an acronym for Quality-of- Service. Qo S rules allow you to throttle data based on the priority of applications and the type of data being transferred. In my opinion, the Qo S feature within Tomato is one if its greatest strengths. It actually adds to the list of reasons why I prefer Tomato firmware over other solutions. Qo S rules give priority to more “important” traffic. If you are the only user of your Internet service, then you probably don’t need to concern yourself with Qo S. But if you have a home or office full of people, setting Qo S rules can improve the experience for everyone. If you discover that someone on your network is abusing the bandwidth (excessive downloads, etc you may also need to setup a bandwidth limiter or block those websites entirely. How does Qo S work? Without Qo S, data-hungry applications like online gaming tend to take priority over higher-priority-but-less-intensive things like VOIP phones and basic web browsing. Without Qo S rules, there is no way to throttle back data-intensive applications like games. This can result in poor VOIP call quality, dropped calls, and longer wait times for streaming media. Qo S rules are defined by speed classes. Once Qo S rules have been defined, all data, both inbound and outbound, will be prioritized based on the speed class. As a result, there is no “right” way to do this. It’s entirely up to you how you wish to prioritize your traffic. How do I configure Qo S? First, we must determine the speed of our Internet connection in both directions; uploading and downloading. Then.
Linksys WRT54 GL + firmware Tomato Wi MAX [propozycja dla Wimax] Przeczytany: 75570 razy. W poradniku bazować będziemy na routerze Linksys WRT54 GL i firmware Tomato. Ogólnie chciałbym przedstawić metodę wgrania Tomato do tego urządzenia, a także metodę przywrócenia oryginalnego oprogramowania. Urządzenie bazuje na oprogramowaniu GPL. Punkt dostępowy sieci bezprzewodowej 802.11g z wbudowanym routerem szerokopasmowym (do usług x DSL lub modemu kablowego) oraz 4-portowym przełącznikiem Fast Ethernet. Secure Easy Setup to prosty i szybki sposób zabezpieczenia danych w sieci bezprzewodowej przed nieuprawnionym dostępem. UWAGA: Router ten do podłączenia szybkiego internetu Netii w technologii ADSL, wymaga modemu ADSL z wyjsciem rj45, dlatego idealnie pasuje do internetu udostępnianego w technoliogii Wimax Netii - router ten posiada klienta PPPo ECechy punktu dostępowego: * zgodny z 802.11g pracujący z częstotliwością 2.4 GHz, * przepustowość do 54 Mbps, * kompatybilność z klientami 802.11b (jednocześnie obsługuje karty Wireless- B z prędkością 11 Mbps * chipset radiowy: Broadcom BCM2050 KML, * procesor: Broadcom BCM5352 EKPB, * moc nadajnika: 18 d Bm (64m W * zapewnia: roaming, wybór najlepszego punktu dostępowego, równoważenie obiążenia (load balancing) oraz filtrowanie ruchu pakietów, * WPA ( Wi- Fi Protected Access -> WPA PSK ( Pre-shared key -> WPA RADIUS, * 128-bitowe szyfrowanie WEP ( Wireless Equivalent Privacy * funkcja SES ( Secure Easy Setup * tablica dostępu / odmowy dostępu definiowana po adresach MAC kart klienckich, * dwie odkręcane anteny ze złączem R- TNC o zysku 2d Bi. Cechy routera: * port WAN w postaci gniazda RJ-45 ( Ethernet 10/100) do podpięcia do modemu x DSL, modemu kablowego bądź szkieletu Ethernetowego, * 4-portowy switch FE, * firewall ( SPI) - wykrywanie ataków Ping of Death, SYN Flood, Land Attack, IP Spoofing, * NAT ( Network Address Translation *.
Using the setup from my last two posts, let's play with some Qo S parameters and observe the results. The documentation for Open WRT's Qo S is rather lacking, please feel encouraged to improve it as you go! Prerequisites Documented here, the qos-scripts package offers a simple configuration that integrates well with the rest of Open WRT's UCI ( Unified Configuration Interface). On the router: As an added side benefit, qos-scripts will pull in several dependencies that can be used to further tune our Qo S. Overview You can look into /etc/config/qos to see the default configuration. You'll see several config block types. Let's take a look at samples. Interfaces config interface wan option classgroup Default option enabled 0 option upload 128 option download 1024 This is an interface definition for wan. wan is defined in /etc/config/network. option classgroup Default defines that we'll use the classes defined in the config classgroup Default block also in the configuration file. option enabled 0 defines that Qo S is currently not enabled for the wan interface. Meaning this configuration currently doesn't do anything. If it's value was 1 it would be enabled. option upload 128 defines that this interface should only be able to upload at a rate of 128 kilobits/second. ( Only for TCP) option download 1024 defines that this interface should only be able to download at a rate of 1024 kilobits/second. Rules config classify option target Priority option ports 22,53 option comment ssh, dns config classify option target Normal option proto tcp option ports 20,21,25,80,110,443,993,995 option comment ftp, smtp, http(s imap config reclassify option target Priority option proto icmp config default option target Bulk option portrange classify blocks are an initial, connection-tracked classification. They are only run on connections which have not been assigned a traffic class.
Background The author has been involved in setting up Wi Fi in several large residential blocks, where it was important that the result not only worked but was simple to maintain by reception staff. Tomato’s QOS system was used to ensure that trolls lurking in their caves downloading files did not bring the whole thing to a grinding halt, as was the case before I was given the job. What was achieved has surprised many people here, including myself. Ever sat in an internet shop, a hotel room or lobby, a local hotspot, and wondered why you can't access your email? Unknown to you, the guy in the next room or at the next table is hogging the internet bandwidth to download the Lord Of The Rings Special Extended Edition in 1080p HDTV format. You're screwed - because the hotspot router does not have an effective QOS system. In fact, I haven't come across a shop or an apartment block locally that has any QOS system in use at all. Most residents are not particularly happy with the service they [usually] pay for. If you are a single user, then you probably don't need QOS at all. Just reducing conntrack timeouts may perform miracles for you. Router “ QOS” A QOS ( Quality Of Service) system running on a SOHO router is best viewed as a firmware strategy used to give priority to those applications which are important. Without it, anarchy rules, and the downloader will usually wreck the internet access for everybody else. Many simple routers and unmanaged switches just forward traffic without looking at it and without doing anything special to it. Some switches and routers have several priority queues for network traffic (e.g. Tomato has 10 - which are Highest, High, Medium, Low, Lowest, A, B, C, D, E). These provide a basic kind of Qo S by giving priority treatment to certain types of network traffic. However, anyone searching the web for QOS will find that in engineering circles, QOS.