Net getmethod returns null fragment

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

The following code examples are extracted from open source projects. You can click to vote up the examples that are useful to you. Example 1 From project cloudbees-api-client, under directory /cloudbees-api-client/src/main/java/com/cloudbees/api/. Source file: Bees Client public String execute Request( String url) throws Exception Http Client http Client= Http Client Helper.create Client(this.bees Client Configuration Get Method get Method=new Get Method(url int code=http Client.execute Method(get Method String response=get Response String(get Method.get Response Body As Stream if (code >= 300) process Error(response,code return response; Example 2 * Deletes a connection from the server's configuration. Returns true if the attempt was successful. set Host set User Id and set Password must be called before this method is called. * @param connection Name The name of the connection to be deleted * @return True if the deletion was successful public boolean delete Connection( String connection Name) throws Connection Service Exception Get Method call Method=new Get Method(service Url + /delete Connection By Name call Method.set Query String( name= + connection Name Node node=get Result Node(call Method return node!= null Example 3 From project eclipse-instasearch, under directory /instasearch/src/it/unibz/instasearch/jobs/. Source file: Check Updates private boolean check For Updates( IProgress Monitor monitor) throws Http Exception, IOException, URISyntax Exception update Available=false; String version Check Url= Insta Search Plugin.get Update Location String v= Insta Search Plugin.get Version Http Client http Client=new Http Client configure Proxy(http Client,version Check Url Get Method get Method=new Get Method(version Check Url +?v= + v int status Code=http Client.execute Method(get Method if (status Code!= Http Status. SC_ OK) return.
Just Mock is a small product. It is around 10,000 lines of code. Despite its small size there are a lot of decisions that were made and many others that have to be made. In this post I would like to shed some light on our decision making process and I’ll try to answer the question why Just Mock is built the way it is. The topic is quite large for a single blog post so I am going to focus on small part from Just Mock – namely design choices for private method resolution. First, I would like to emphasize that Just Mock was built around C. Every time when we had to decide how particular feature should be implemented we designed it from C perspective. As a result Just Mock works with concepts that are better expressed in C rather than VB. NET for example. The reason for this decision is that it seems C developers tend to use more often mocking tools/frameworks than VB. NET ones. So far, it seems we did the right choice. As a consequence Just Mock is more or less tightly coupled to the C compiler. So are other mocking libraries. Lets consider the following example with Moq: public interface IFoo int Bar(string s int Bar( String Builder s Often, it makes sense to define overloading methods in your code. The way IFoo is defined is perfectly legal. So, lets see a corner case with this interface. Suppose we want to mock Bar(string s) method when the argument is null: var mock = new Mock< IFoo> mock. Setup(foo => foo. Bar(null). Returns(1 You will quickly find that the this code fragment does not compile. Here goes the error: error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: ' IFoo. Bar(string and ' IFoo. Bar( System. Text. String Builder This error has nothing to do with Moq. It is related to the C compiler which in this case does not have enough information how to do method resolution. So, it is our fault and we have to fix it. Here comes the second.
URI public URI( String str) throws URISyntax Exception Constructs a URI by parsing the given string. This constructor parses the given string exactly as specified by the grammar in RFC 2396, Appendix A, except for the following deviations: An empty authority component is permitted as long as it is followed by a non-empty path, a query component, or a fragment component. This allows the parsing of URIs such as, which seems to be the intent of RFC 2396 although the grammar does not permit it. If the authority component is empty then the user-information, host, and port components are undefined. Empty relative paths are permitted; this seems to be the intent of RFC 2396 although the grammar does not permit it. The primary consequence of this deviation is that a standalone fragment such as foo parses as a relative URI with an empty path and the given fragment, and can be usefully resolved against a base URI. IPv4 addresses in host components are parsed rigorously, as specified by RFC 2732: Each element of a dotted-quad address must contain no more than three decimal digits. Each element is further constrained to have a value no greater than 255. Hostnames in host components that comprise only a single domain label are permitted to start with an alphanum character. This seems to be the intent of RFC 2396 section  although the grammar does not permit it. The consequence of this deviation is that the authority component of a hierarchical URI such as, will parse as a server-based authority. IPv6 addresses are permitted for the host component. An IPv6 address must be enclosed in square brackets [' and '] as specified by RFC 2732. The IPv6 address itself must parse according to RFC 2373. IPv6 addresses are further constrained to describe no more than sixteen bytes of address information, a constraint implicit in RFC 2373 but not expressible in.
Performing simple string equality tests is often not enough when application user convenience is key. Often only a fragment of a string is known to the user, or many of them. Sometimes there is a need to search for a fragment in multiple columns. Which options does Open Access and LINQ provide to perform string matching? Into which SQL is the LINQ expression translated? Let’s use a simple class model for this post: a Person with a First Name, a Last Name and a Nick Name. Let’s assume parameters with the name simple Param (string) and many Param ( ICollection). String equality comparison Using the standard Equals method translates directly into the SQL = operator. The simple string parameter is translated directly into a SQL string parameter. The strings are compared in full length using the string collation rules of the database. LINQ. Where( x => x. First Name. Equals(simple Param) ) SQL:  where a. First Name = @p1 Also, the standard = operator can be used instead of String: Equals(string). LINQ. Where( x => x. Last Name = simple Param ) SQL: where a. Last Name = @p1 Case insensitive string equality comparison Use the String: Compare(string,string,bool) method to explicitly express a case-insensitive complete string equality operation. The generated SQL will not depend on the case-sensitivity of the current database collation. LINQ. Where( x => string. Compare(x. First Name, simple Param, true) = 0 ) SQL: where upper(a. First Name) = upper p1) Alternatively, the case difference can be ignored manually. Beware, that the rules for case translation can be different on client and server; parameter values are handled on the client and therefore no SQL code is produced to perform case translation for those. LINQ. Where( x => x. First Name. To Lower = simple Param. To Lower ) SQL: where lower(a. First Name) = @p1 Using our SQL extension method this query can be expressed too. Use this.
As peter@nospam said, the microsoft uses an different table for encode string when sending data. with some test i have created a table with this encodes for special char like � � � � �here is it for those who need know what is this table.the index of array is the ord of a character. use with chr(index) to know the char. and replace with the value.var    $ ENCODE_ TABLE = ARRAY(33=>'%21 35=>'%23 36=>'%24 37=>'%25 38=>'%26 40=>'%28 41=>'%29 43=>'%2 B 44=>'%2 C 47=>'%2 F 58=>'%3 A 59=>'%3 B 60=>'%3 C 61=>'%3 D 62=>'%3 E 63=>'%3 F 91=>'%5 B 92=>'%5 C 93=>'%5 D 123=>'%7 B 124=>'%7 C 125=>'%7 D 142=>'% C5% BD 192=>'% C3%80 193=>'% C3%81 194=>'% C3%82 195=>'% C3%83 196=>'% C3%84 197=>'% C3%85 199=>'% C3%87 200=>'% C3%88 201=>'% C3%89 202=>'% C3%8 A 203=>'% C3%8 B 204=>'% C3%8 C 205=>'% C3%8 D 206=>'% C3%8 E 207=>'% C3%8 F 210=>'% C3%92 211=>'% C3%93 212=>'% C3%94 213=>'% C3%95 214=>'% C3%96 217=>'% C3%99 218=>'% C3%9 A 219=>'% C3%9 B 220=>'% C3%9 C 221=>'% C3%9 D 224=>'% C3% A0 225=>'% C3% A1 226=>'% C3% A2 227=>'% C3% A3 228=>'% C3% A4 229=>'% C3% A5 231=>'% C3% A7 232=>'% C3% A8 233=>'% C3% A9 234=>'% C3% AA 235=>'% C3% AB 236=>'% C3% AC 237=>'% C3% AD 238=>'% C3% AE 239=>'% C3% AF 242=>'% C3% B2 243=>'% C3% B3 244=>'% C3% B4 245=>'% C3% B5 246=>'% C3% B6 249=>'% C3% B9 250=>'% C3% BA 251=>'% C3% BB 252=>'% C3% BC 253=>'% C3% BD 255=>'% C3% BF example:function encode($text)     while(list($ord, $enc) = each($ ENCODE_ TABLE)     $text = str_replace(chr($ord $enc, $text     return $text; hope this help.