Net dll vs com dll to net

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Accessibility.dll Custom Marshalers.dll Microsoft. CSharp.dll Microsoft. JScript.dll Microsoft. Visual Basic. Compatibility. Data.dll Microsoft. Visual Basic. Compatibility.dll Microsoft. Visual Basic.dll Microsoft. Visual C. Dllmscorlib.dll Presentation Core.dll Presentation Framework. Aero.dll Presentation Framework. Classic.dll Presentation Framework.dll Presentation Framework. Luna.dll Presentation Framework. Royale.dll Reach Framework.dllsysglobl.dll System. Activities. Core. Presentation.dll System. Activities.dll System. Activities. Durable Instancing.dll System. Activities. Presentation.dll System. Addin. Contract.dll System. Addin.dll System. Component Model. Composition.dll System. Component Model. Data Annotations.dll System.configuration.dll System. Configuration. Install.dll System. Core.dll System. Data. Data Set Extensions.dll System. Data.dll System. Data. Entity.dll System. Data. Linq.dll System. Data. Services. Client.dll System. Data. Sql Xml.dll System. Deployment.dll System. Device.dll System. Directory Services. Account Management.dll System. Directory Services.dll System. Directory Services. Protocols.dll System.dll System. Drawing.dll System. Enterprise Services.dll System. Enterprise Services. Thunk.dll System. Enterprise Services. Wrapper.dll System. Identity Model.dll System. Identity Model. Selectors.dll System. IO. Log.dll System. Management.dll System. Management. Instrumentation.dll System. Messaging.dll System. Net.dll System. Numerics.dll System. Printing.dll System. Runtime. Durable Instancing.dll System. Runtime. Remoting.dll System. Runtime. Serialization.dll System. Runtime. Serialization. Formatters. Soap.dll System. Security.dll System. Service Model. Activities.dll System. Service Model. Channels.dll System. Service Model. Discovery.dll System. Service Model.dll System. Service Model. Routing.dll System. Service Process.dll System. Speech.dll System. Transactions.dll System. Web. Application Services.dll System. Web. Services.dll System. Windows. Forms. Data Visualization.dll System. Windows. Forms.dll System. Windows. Input. Manipulations.dll System. Windows. Presentation.dll System. Xaml.dll System. XML.dll System. Xml. Linq.dll UIAutomation Client.dll UIAutomation Clientside Providers.dll UIAutomation Provider.dll UIAutomation Types.dll Windows Base.dll Windows Forms Integration.dll.
This is a good question. There is one crucial difference between. NET DLL's and ordinary DLL's, for the sake of this answer, let's use the terminology native DLL's as normal DLL's that are not dependent on the. NET framework. The crucial difference is that there is a 15th data directory entry within the. NET PE header layout, native DLL's only have 14 data directory entries. That is how you can tell the difference between the two, for the native DLL, that entry will be zero! And not alone that. NET DLL's would have metadata embedded into it for the Framework to handle it accordingly such as attributes requesting security permissions etc, the same applies for. NET EXE's. In relation to different extensions masquerading as DLL's such as OCX, and CPL, Screen Savers are another example of a non- DLL extension in the sense of the word from an. EXE perspective, ie. those that are. SCR are really. EXE's.bizarre as it sounds, it seems that Microsoft made some applications to use a specific extension for an EXE and DLL, I reckon that was the hold-over from the days of Windows 3.1, CPL for Control Panel, OLE known as Object Linking and Embedding to OCX now Active X, SCR for Screen Savers aka. EXE's. It would not surprise me if the same applies to. MSCc (service extensions used in Microsoft Snap In Consoles) DLL Registrations is where regsvr32 registers the DLL and it's class id's which would be found in the registry under the key HKEY_ CLASSES_ ROOT, this would more likely be for COM ( Component Object Model) for making the COM objects globally visible to all languages irrespective of development language/environments. Active X DLL's would also fit in that same category, some are known to automatically register themselves (including COM DLL's including their type library identification (typelib id's). A lot of software before Windows 95, used to have their own DLL's lying around.
You might be able to use corflags For a. NET c DLL I get Microsoft ( R). NET Framework Cor Flags Conversion Tool. Version 9.1 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Version : v 9 CLR Header: 2.5 PE : PE32 Cor Flags : 1 ILONLY : 1 32 BIT : 0 Signed : 0 For a C+ DLL I get corflags : error CF008 : The specified file does not have a valid managed header UPDATE * I might have misunderstood the question. This is a good SO question on a similar problem. How can I test a windows dll to determine if it is 32bit or 64bit?.