Methods of making crack cocaine in a spoon video

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

 14:33 hey everyone first off i have used the search option and didnt really get a good enought explaination a friend of my tried doing a gram from instructions on the net but didnt work, wasted a gram. has anyone got a proven step by step method to do it with pretty decent quaility gear. thanks.
making crack with pop rocks.
Image via Wikipedia Updated Nov. 2015 NOTE: Don’t forget to check out our article on Cocaine - How do You Take Yours? This looks at the ways in which we take our coke, talks to the peeps involved and gives some useful harm reduction tips for users. This information has been collected from using in-depth research online (from the best users/cooks) from our crews own experiences, and some brilliant books -or rather one brilliant book - The Cocaine Handbook -from Dave Lee (avail in reprint I believe). Now it wouldn’t be right to start this article without saying that The Cocaine Clean- Up is truly a double-edged sword; In our black market world of horrid adulterants and ‘ God knows what the fuck’ is in our street cocaine these days -it is a really good thing to be able to do something to take the control back into your own hands and do something to clean up your cocaine from the adulterants in it. And true, while we cannot get rid of them all, even via freebasing the old school way (levisomole, the cattle de-wormer is believed to survive that process! it significantly makes for a better tasting product -in that you will feel MUCH less wired, speedy, agitated etc and will quickly realise that the cleaned up product is a very different drug from the street stuff. But, when there is a good thing -there’s a shitty thing around the corner -in this case -the incredible craving after one pipe of base, is waaaay more than lines or even injecting You MUST really consider things hard before embarking down this road -yes clean up your product if you are a regular user -but put down some strict rules at the start -ie Never use your cash card a 2nd time (take out enough cash that you can afford -and score ONCE -hand over the card to your partner or leave it at the office etc). Don’t keep using after midnight. Only use after you have eaten and slept and only on a Friday nite, etc.
, 22:32 A very strange person.   Join Date: Male from United States Posts: 1,425 Making crack cocaine with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) methods Dear Friends: There's something unexplainably wonderful about loading a yellow rock into glass and firing-up that first hit: listening to the sizzle of the rock and watching the resins melt down the edge of the glass. The combination of the smell and numbness followed by the headrush are nothing short of fantastic. Having mentioned this, I must now point out that this post and all of the following data are submitted for informational purposes ONLY! There are two ways to make Crack ; one is the baking soda method (which is, by far, the most common and the other is the freebase method, which is best for optimal potency. Baking Soda Method- MATERIALS: 1.) Lighter 2.) Glass Beaker 3.) Distilled Water 4.) Baking Soda 5.) Rubbing Alcohol PREPARATION: 1.) Mix four-parts of coke to one-part of baking soda in glass beaker. ( Yes, that IS a 4:1 ratio) I've done it by eye & found it's good not to exceed a 3:1 ratio. 2.) Begin adding a few drops of distilled water to the mix, adding only enough to turn the powder into a muddy sludge-like consistency. WARNING: Do NOT add too much water or your coke will not harden up in the cooling process. 3.) Drench the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol in a thick metal or ceramic dish. Add only enough to completely saturate the ball. THE COOKING PROCESS, PART 1: 1.) Use the lighter to ignite the alcohol in the cotton ball. 2.) While the cotton ball is burning, heat the coke-sludge by swirling the beaker above the tip of the flame. 3.) Continue swirling until the substance comes to a boil, then remove it from the flame to cool. When your substance has cooled it should form a clump of solid rock-bubbles. PART 2: 4.) Add more distilled water to the beaker, enough to.
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