Java 8 in action ebook

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Important reading for all Java developers Java 8 introduces significant changes in the language and in the libraries. Every Java developer should be aware of the evolution of the language. The book is not a primer to Java programming; it assumes you are already a Java 6/7 developer. All new Java 8 topics are explained with a comparison of what it is commonly used in Java 6/7 applications, in terms of popular code structures and design patterns. For example, chapter 2 focus is on how to use new lamb Important reading for all Java developers Java 8 introduces significant changes in the language and in the libraries. Every Java developer should be aware of the evolution of the language. The book is not a primer to Java programming; it assumes you are already a Java 6/7 developer. All new Java 8 topics are explained with a comparison of what it is commonly used in Java 6/7 applications, in terms of popular code structures and design patterns. For example, chapter 2 focus is on how to use new lambda expression in the behavior parametrization used in some design patterns. All part 3 (chapters 8 to 12) is devoted to improve how we code, using the new Java 8 features (streams, Optional, Completable Future, new Date/ Time API). The last part of the book is on how we can improve the quality of our code by introducing a functional like approach and what will possibly be after Java 8. The book is well written, with several exercises.more.
This repository contains all the source code for the examples and quizzes in the book Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams and functional-style programming. You can purchase the book here: or on Amazon The source code for all examples can be found in the directory src/main/java/lambdasinaction Chapter 1: Java 8: why should you care? Chapter 2: Passing code with behavior parameterization Chapter 3: Lambda expressions Chapter 4: Working with Streams Chapter 5: Processing data with streams Chapter 6: Collecting data with streams Chapter 7: Parallel data processing and performance Chapter 8: Refactoring, testing, debugging Chapter 9: Default methods Chapter 10: Using Optional as a better alternative to null Chapter 11: Completable Future: composable asynchronous programming Chapter 12: New Date and Time API Chapter 13: Thinking functionally Chapter 14: Functional programming techniques Chapter 15: Blending OOP and FP: comparing Java 8 and Scala Chapter 16: Conclusions and where next for Java Appendix A: Miscellaneous language updates Appendix B: Miscellaneous library updates Appendix C: Performing multiple operations in parallel on a Stream Appendix D: Lambdas and JVM bytecode We will update the repository as we update the book. Stay tuned! Make sure to have JDK8 installed The latest binary can be found here: $ java -version java version _05 Java( TM) SE Runtime Environment (build _05-b13) Java Hot Spot( TM) 64- Bit Server VM (build 25.5-b02, mixed mode) You can download a preview version here: Compile/ Run the examples Using maven: $ mvn compile $ cd target/classes $ java lambdasinaction/chap1/ Filtering Apples Alternatively you can compile the files manually inside the directory src/main/java You can also import the project in your favorite IDE: *.