Islam for dummies pdf free download

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One of our freedom fighters against the evils of Islam, Mr han at the great and informative blog Islam- Watch, has asked us to share his book “ Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery” – fully free of charge to all our readers to read, download or share. We’ve issued a PDF copy of the book below. Just click on the image of the book cover. If you like Mr Khan’s work, do post a nice little comment to our friends at to show your appreciation. Islam- Watch does tremendous work to try and shake and wake Muslims up from the indoctrination of the hate ideology of Islam, and to show support to apostates who are too scared to leave. _ About Islam Watch: We are a group of Muslim apostates, who have left Islam out of our own conviction when we discovered that Islam is not a religion at all. Most of us took a prolonged period of time to study, evaluate and contemplate on Islam, the religion of our birth. Having meticulously scrutinized Islam, we concluded that it is not a religion of peace at all, as touted by smooth-talking, self-serving Muslims and their apologists from non- Muslim backgrounds. The core of Islam—namely the Qur’an, Hadis and Sharia—is filled with unbounded hatred of the unbelievers, unbelievably intolerant toward them, and extremely cruel and merciless to those Muslims, who dare to deviate from its doctrines. We also realized that Islam is beyond reformation, because Muslims—who attempt to modernize and reform its unremitting bigotry, irrational rituals, and cruel and draconian punitive measures—are targeted for annihilation. Our verdict was that the only way to escape from the tyranny of Islam is to leave it altogether. We have, therefore, discarded Islam from our life, so that we can be free to enjoy a normal, pleasant and humane life in complete harmony with all peoples on.
Cheat Sheet Understanding Islam begins with looking at the basic beliefs ( Five Pillars of Faith) and required rituals ( Five Pillars of Worship) of Muslims as well as the different Islamic sects that Muslims may belong to. Islam's Five Pillars of Worship and Five Pillars of Faith provide the supports of a Muslim's daily spiritual life. Although all true Muslims share these beliefs and rituals, Islam is divided into a number of different sects that The Five Pillars of Worship in Islam In the Islamic faith, Muslims are expected to fulfill five fundamental acts of worship. The Five Pillars of Worship (arkan al-`ibada) are the basic acts involved in being a believing and practicing Muslim, but each Pillar is also a gateway to deeper understanding and greater spirituality as one grows in the Islamic faith. Shahada: A person becomes a Muslim by making the basic statement of testimony or witness. “ I testify that there is no God but God, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” Variations of the shahada are used in many different situations. Salat: Salat is a formal, ritualized prayer performed at five specified times each day facing Mecca. Salat consists of a sequence of recitations and bodily positions, including prostration with one’s forehead touching the ground. Zakat: Zakat is an obligatory charitable contribution, theoretically due annually from every Muslim at the rate of 2.5 percent of liquid assets and income-producing property. Zakat supports charitable works and the promotion of Islam. Saum: Fast from dawn to dusk each day during the ninth month ( Ramadan Muslims are not supposed to eat, drink, or engage in sexual intercourse. This is a time of spiritual renewal. Hajj: At least once in his or her life, if physically and financially able, each Muslim makes the pilgrimage to Mecca during the twelfth Muslim month. During the five main days of the hajj.