Inside microsoft sql server 2008 query tuning and optimization free ebook

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

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Get your free PDF download here. Also available to buy from and This book will take you from the fundamentals of Statistics, Cost Estimation, Index Selection, and the Execution Engine, and guide you through the inner workings of the Query Optimization process, and throws in a pragmatic look at Parameterization and Hints along the way Why read this book? The SQL Server Query Optimizer is perceived by many to be a magic black box, transforming SQL queries into high performance execution plans in the blink of an eye through some unknowable process. The truth is that, while the Query Optimizer is indeed the highly-complex result of decades of research, learning how it works its magic is not only possible, but immensely useful to database developers  and administrators alike. A better understanding of what the Query Optimizer does behind the scenes can help you to improve the performance of your databases and applications, and this book explains the core concepts behind how the SQL Server Query Optimizer works. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to write superior queries, provide the Query Optimizer with all the information it needs to produce efficient execution plans, and troubleshoot the cases when the Query Optimizer is not giving you the best plan possible. With over 15 years of experience in the use of Relational Databases (including SQL Server since version 6.5 Benjamin has watched the SQL Server Relational Engine grow and evolve. His insight will leave you with an excellent foundation in the practicalities of the Query Optimizer, and everything you need to know to start tuning your queries to perfection. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Query Optimization Chapter 2: Execution Engine Chapter 3: Statistics and Cost Estimation Chapter 4: Index Selection Chapter 5: The Optimization Process Chapter 6: Additional Topics Chapter 7.
These books cover advanced T- SQL querying, query tuning, and programming in Microsoft SQL Server 2008. They are designed for experienced programmers and DBAs who need to write and optimize code in SQL Server 2008. For brevity, I’ll refer to the books as T- SQL Querying and T- SQL Programming, or just as these books. Those who read the SQL Server 2005 edition of the books will find plenty of new materials covering new subjects, new features, and enhancements in SQL Server 2008, plus revisions and new insights about the existing subjects. These books focus on practical common problems, discussing several approaches to tackle each. You will be introduced to many polished techniques that will enhance your toolbox and coding vocabulary, allowing you to provide efficient solutions in a natural manner. These books unveil the power of set-based querying and explain why it’s usually superior to procedural programming with cursors and the like. At the same time, they teach you how to identify the few scenarios where cursor-based solutions are superior to set-based ones. This book— T- SQL Querying—focuses on set-based querying and query tuning, and I recommend that you read it first. The second book— T- SQL Programming—focuses on procedural programming and assumes that you read the first book or have sufficient querying background. T- SQL Querying starts with five chapters that lay the foundation of logical and physical query processing required to gain the most from the rest of the chapters in both books. The first chapter covers logical query processing. It describes in detail the logical phases involved in processing queries, the unique aspects of SQL querying, and the special mind-set you need to adopt to program in a relational, set-oriented environment. The second chapter covers set theory and predicate logic—the strong mathematical foundations upon which the relational model is.