Il mio miglior nemico english subtitles

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Read our intro here:   Italian Comedies > above: Renato Pozzetto, Carlo Verdone The 70s had been the years of Italy's sexy comedy on one side, and of a more bittersweet comedic line, magisterially embodied by Fantozzi and by Amici Miei.  In the 1980s, the former lost most of its appeal, while the second kept developing, also through sequels of comedies firstly produced in the 70s (both Fantozzi and Amici Miei had several follow up).  One of the most representative actors of the decade has certainly been Carlo Verdone, who has then continued to produce critically acclaimed and public loved pieces well through the 1990s and the 2000s. Here are some of his best works:  In vacanza con papà (along with the great Alberto Sordi) Maledetto il giorno che ti ho incontrato Ma che colpa abbiamo noi Perdiamoci di vista Bianco rosso e verdone  Viaggi di nozze Il mio miglior nemico L' Amore è eterno finchè dura  Manuale d' Amore The sons of Tognazzi and Gassman are back in the comic movie business in a new modern style and have received great praise from both critics and public. The two have sometimes also worked together in movies, although their chemistry appear to work much better on stage and on tv.  Another Italian comedian who surged to popularity in the late 70s and 80s is Diego Abantantuono. Abatantuono has, later in his career, showed to have a undisputable talent for more dramatic roles and became, especially after his collaboration with Salvatores in Mediterraneo, one of most respected actors of modern Italian cinema. If you like to see him in his more mature roles, then look no further than the already mentioned Mediterraneo and other Salvatores movies such as Marrachech Express, Turné or the more recent Io non ho paura. A younger, enjoyable Abantantuono is that of 1980s fame, who can see in Eccezzziunale Veramente, Attila flagello di Dio or Grand Hotel Excelsior, all.
The Postman - ( Il Postino) A cult movie in Italy. A fictional story in which the real life Chilean poet Pablo Neruda during his asylum in a small fisherman island in Italy, makes friendship with the local postman, a simple man who learns to love poetry. The last Kiss -( L’ultimo Bacio) A masterpiece of Gabriele Muccino (the same director of “ The pursuit of Happines” and “ Seven Pounds”). The film revolves around the story of a group of friend, who, having reached the threshold of thirty years, reflect on their lives and their choices, revaluing their certainties. Their crisis is some short of Peter Pan syndrome of modern man: the fear of being stuck by work and duties, remaining strangers to the true meaning of things. The Mafia Kills Only in the Summer -( La Mafia uccide solo d’estate) A brilliant drama-comedy that through the childhood memories of the protagonist reconstructs, in tones often paradoxical and ironic, a bloody season of the criminal activity of Cosa Nostra in Palermo in the ‘80-’90, and how is life was always so indirectly influenced by the Mafia. I’m not Scared -( Io non ho paura) A story set during Italy's “years of lead” (a time riddled with terrorism and kidnapping in the 1970s). Tells of a ten-year-old boy who discovers a terrible crime the population of his southern Italian village has committed, and in is innocence try to do his best to be on help. Your Whole Life Ahead of You - ( Tutta la vita d’avanti) A bittersweet comedy on a girl freshly graduated cum laude in philosophy forced to enter in the universe precarious work of call centers. A movie that tell with irony and disillusionment a situation sadly well familiar to my generation. My Best Enemy -( Il mio miglior nemico) A brilliant comedy on a young roman that decides to ruin the life of her mother’s boss in order to avenge her unfair dismissal. But things get complicated when he realize that.
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Home » Film » commedia Il Mio Miglior Nemico Vk Si tratta di un film che ha come principali protagonisti Carlo Verdone e Silvio Puccino. Verdone interpreta Achille, un uomo ormai del tutto solo che e' stato abbandonato anche dai suoi cari. Invece, Muccino e' Orfeo, un giovane ragazzo che vuole vendetta dal primo a tutti i costi. E' proprio per questo che Orfeo rovinera' l'intera vita di Achille. In poche parole, questo film attraverso l'ira e le reazioni di questi due protagoinisti vuole sottolineare e evidenziare le numerose debolezze dell'essere umano che altro non e' se non un vero e proprio insieme si sensazioni ed emozioni. Non a caso, infatti, i nomi scelti dal grande regista fanno riferimento proprio ad avvenimenti epici in cui la passione era assolutamente padrona e presente in tutte le circostanze della vita di tutti i giorni. Il mio miglior nemico e' un film da non perdere per nessun motivo perche' pieno di colpi di scena e picchi veramente unici. Il. Mio. Miglior. Nemico.2006.i TALi AN. AC3. DVDRip. GRD Parte 1 Putlocker- Likeupload Parte 2 Putlocker- Likeupload comments powered by.