Icarus agenda ebook

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Evan Kendrick was a successful energy executive in the middle east who left because of the violence there and became a Congressman. He wants to bring down the Mahdi who he thinks killed his associates and he thinks is financing fundamentalists who are holding American hostages so that he could own a monopoly on Middle East business. The Mahdi streamlines his organization so if governments fall he is there to pick up the pieces. Evan wants to destroy the Mahdi in order to avenge his friends and so he can return to his profitable enterprise in the middle east. Omani government is scarred of confronting fundamentalist since there family is at stake. Omani Sultan does not want to attempt a rescue because he is scarred he would be branded a terrorist by the West. In an attempt to capture the Mahdi, Evan goes into undercover and places himself in league of the Mahdi's top lieutenant Azra. Since terrorist have different goals where one man does it for religious fundamentalist reason while Azra does it to free Palestinians from Israeli occupation others like the Mahdi seem to fund terrorism so the Western world does not invest in the Middle East which in the end makes him have a monopoly in the Middle East business. The cycle of hate in the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict is all consuming and not an easy thing to entangle. Aziza became a terrorist when Israeli policy disallowed his father from becoming a doctor and later killed both this parents in Shatila. While a IDF Jewish commando became a commando when two of his brothers were killed by Palestinian terrorists. Khalehla is a half-breed who was raped in college by Jewish colleagues for being an Arab and now she is trying to stop Arab wars while fostering a spirit of cooperation by Arabs and non- Arabs through her work in the CIA. The Mahdi is a rogue Nation of Islam black man from Chicago who was captured and scheduled to be.
Publication Order of Bourne Trilogy Books Publication Order of Covert- One Books Publication Order of Paul Janson Books Publication Order of Standalone Novels About Robert Ludlum: Robert Ludlum is undoubtedly the author you must know about. His collection of novels has found audience not only among English readers but also among millions of people in thirty three other languages. Moreover his books have been published in forty other countries. A great author is identified by his ability to maintain a steady and dynamic audience which identifies with the theme or characters of the story. Many readers love to be fascinated and kept at the edge of their chairs as the intrigues of the story unfold. Mystery is captivating when it happens to be tucked in a book that seeks to raise the reader’s adrenaline as he flips page by page. The author who succeeds in doing this and more, time and again indeed qualifies as being legendary. The works of Robert Ludlum clearly place him in this rank. Biography of Mr Ludlum May 25, 1927 saw the birth of Ludlum in the American city of New York. Some time later, he joined The Rectory School and later went to Cheshire Academy. After high school, he joined Wesleyan University in Connecticut. While studying there he met an actress, Mary Ryducha, who later became his wife from 1951 until her death in 1999. Together, they had three children. Like many of his fellow authors, he never ventured into writing in his early life. Rather, Mr Ludlum first served in different jobs before finally starting a career in writing in his late thirties. First, Robert Ludlum became a United States Marine. Thereafter he turned into a theatrical actor and eventually, a producer. His experience in theatre works seemed to have played a great role in helping him understand what readers would want in a novel. It inspired his style of writing that is spiced with suspense.