I want to write a ebook

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Here’s the brutal truth about writing an e Book: There are WAY too many authors today who believe that writing what they think their audience cares about is enough. If only it were that easy If you’re serious about attracting an audience of a substantial size and actually selling your e Book, you need to be very careful about what and how you create. Otherwise you risk using the cooked spaghetti method: throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and praying that it sticks. Well, today I’m going to show you a technique that almost guarantees that you will know how to write an e Book in 30 days that will sell. Keep reading to learn how. How to write an e Book? Days 1-2: Pick Your Topic You probably have some sort of idea in your mind already. Something you thought about last winter and now keep returning to every now and then. Well forget about this idea. Chances are, you would enjoy writing about it, but do you know for sure that it’s something that your audience will buy? Because if it’s not, you just wasted your time writing something no one needs. And that is not the risk you should be willing to take. What you need is a exceptional e Book idea. Idea that is specific. “ Don’t try to write a definite guide to your topic, as it’s overwhelming for your readers,” warns Ali Luke on Copyblogger. “ And it doesn’t leave much room for your next e Book.” And useful at the very same time. You’re reading industry blogs and following relevant discussion on forums. Are there any issues that surface time and again? Ask your audience what they are looking for and get some ideas that way. Give them a couple of variants, if you struggle to choose between two or three different topics. You can set up a simple survey and tweet it to your followers. Days 3-4: Create an Outline Before you start writing, you need to get organized. “ You need to put all those wonderful ideas down on paper in a form.
Have you been dreaming about writing your first electronic book, aka e Book? But why just dream? If it is what you want to achieve, whether it is for fame or fortune, do not procrastinate! Outline your goals and time frame, and move forward, one step at a time, heading towards your ultimate dream. Edit Steps e Book Help Sample E Book Outline Sample E Book Excerpt Writing Your Own e Book Break it down into manageable tasks. The hardest part of writing is the title, first sentence and a potential ending line. The first step is to write down several possible titles, first sentence and ending line. Don't worry about the grammar, how the sentence is worded or if it says what you first expected. The key is to get the words on paper and then you can come back and throw away bad ideas and leave those that look good. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task, but if you can get the project started, even if not not perfectly, at least you have begun to get the words down on paper. Think of climbing a mountain. You are standing at the foot of it and looking up at its summit vanishing into the clouds. How can you possibly scale such an immense and dangerous mountain? There is only one way to climb a mountain - step by step. Organize your thoughts. The first thing you have to do, as if you actually were a mountain climber, is to get organized. Instead of using climbing gear, however, you must organize your thoughts as follows. Figure out your e Book's working title. Jot down a few different titles and eventually you'll find that one that will grow on you. Titles help you to focus writing on your topic. They guide you in anticipating and answering your readers' queries. Many non-fiction books also have subtitles. Titles and subtitles are usually separated by a colon (see examples below). Write out a thesis statement. Your thesis is a sentence or two stating.
Admit it. You’ve thought about writing an e-book. In fact, you’ve already imagined the front cover. You can see the main title, and underneath, your name. And when you picture it, you feel a ripple of pride. An e-book would be a big step up for you as a writer. Because while blog posts are a great way to express your ideas, you can’t help feeling they’re a little, well, fleeting. Lightweight even. Whereas an e-book is more substantial. It’s taken more seriously. It has more gravitas. And having an e-book with your name on the front transforms you from a mere blogger into that more impressive beast – an author. But how do you become an e-book author without falling victim to the same mistakes that sabotage the attempts of so many other bloggers? Three Rock- Solid Reasons to Write Your First E-book Before looking at our list of mistakes, let’s take a quick look at why writing an e-book is not just attractive to many bloggers, but also a smart move. 1) A Valuable E-book is a Powerful Sign-up Incentive for New Subscribers Does your email list grow s-l-o-w-l-y, with perhaps one or two new subscribers each week at best? The truth is that readers are reluctant to hand over their email addresses – even if they love your content. So they may need a little extra nudge to sign up (you could even call it a bribe). An e-book packed full of valuable content makes a great incentive. If you can offer free information your audience would gladly pay for, you’ll see dramatic improvements in your sign-up rates. 2) A Premium E-book Allows You to Make Some Real Money From Your Blog When I started blogging, it took me 11 months of writing three to five posts per week to get my first Ad Sense check for 0. That’s because in the real world, you need a huge blog to make any real money from advertising. The following year, I launched an e-book that paid for me to go to the SXSW conference.
I have returned from the fiery abyss of writing my first e Book and uploading it on Kindle, and I bring you this message: It’s not that bad. But why write and publish an e Book? If you’re an online marketer, entrepreneur, writer, blogger, or maybe a chef, what’s the point? Here’s what I’ve found: It’s time to prove your authority. You have an incredible, life-changing idea? You won’t find a better time for your words to spread like wildfire to inspire and empower, if executed correctly. e Readers nearly doubled from December 2011 to January 2012. 1 in 4 Americans are now using some kind of tablet (i Pad, Nook, Kindle) that is capable of reading e Books ( The Kindle reading app is also available on nearly every smartphone, more on this below). If you already have an established platform — or want to build one — this e Book will fortify all your other online marketing efforts. The opportunities to grow and expand your business or ideas through publishing an e Book are limitless. With a insightful, compelling e Book, your words can instill valuable wisdom, actions, stories and ideas that can build trust and relationships with your audience. If you follow the seven steps below, you’ll never have to read another article on publishing to Amazon’s Kindle platform ever again. Let’s get started Step 1: Define your target audience This is business and marketing 101, baby. Without a target audience, an e Book is useless. Without a target audience, you will not see an increase in subscribers, traffic, or any building of trust whatsoever. Ask yourself: Who is my target audience? What do they like? Feel? What will they learn? What am I offering them for their time? How can I make this e Book build a relationship with my readers? Is it a character they fall in love with? A story? Are you motivating or inspiring them with ideas and examples? What is the main purpose? When Stephen King wrote.
Who will be the JK Rowling of self-publishing? Better still: who will be the legions who make an extra ,000-,000,000 per year? ( Photo: The Telegraph, UK) This is a guest post by Ryan Buckley and the team at Scripted. I have added my own tools and recommendations after “ TIM” throughout the piece. Enter Ryan Buckley and Team Barry Eisler writes thrillers about a half- Japanese, half- American freelance assassin named John Rain. John Rain is the consummate anti-hero, a whiskey swilling, jazz-loving former CIA agent battling crippling paranoia as he adventures around the globe. Readers love John Rain, so much so that they’ve landed Barry Eisler and seven of his John Rain books on the New York Times Bestseller list. [ TIM: Here’s how the different bestseller lists work.] Having conquered all that needs to be conquered in the world of commercial publishing, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Eisler’s publisher offered him 0,000 deal for a new two-book deal. The surprise was that Eisler turned down the deal and decided to tackle self-publishing instead.  In a freewheeling discussion with self-publishing expert Joe Konrath, Eisler says: “ I know it’ll seem crazy to a lot of people, but based on what’s happening in the industry, and based on the kind of experience writers like you are having in self-publishing, I think I can do better in the long term on my own.” We asked Eisler for a current update, and he told us that this month ( March 2013 he expects to sell 8,000 copies of his 10 self-published novels and stories, which are priced -5 each. Despite self-publishing his first story only two years ago, it appears he’s made the right decision. With roughly 0,000 in royalties per year, he already beat his publisher’s offer The writing on the wall couldn’t be any clearer: the publishing world is changing fast.  Getting a publishing contract has long been the first.