Html5 games development by example ebook

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

PART 11. Java Script is Not the Language You Think it is 2. Optimal Asset Loading3. Performance Java Script4. Efficient Java Script Data Structures PART 25. Faster Canvas Picking6. Autotiles7. Leveraging Flash for HTML58. Applying Performance Improvement Techniques Used in Old- School Videogames9. Optimizing Web GL Usage10. Playing Around with the Gamepad APIPART 311. Introduction to Web Sockets 12. Multiplayer Real-time Networking PART 413. Responsive Game Design: Letting Game Mechanics and Controller Inputs Flow with Your Layout14. Making a Game That Works on Both Mobile and Desktop 15. Better Than Native: 60fps Fullscreen on Mobile16. Creating Mobile Web Games with Canvas 2 D API17. Faster Map Rendering PART 518. Writing C+ on the Web with Emscripten19. Making HTML5 Games with Type Script20. Best Practices When Implementing the Main Loop PART 621. Using Crunch for Super-compressed Web GL Textures22. Building a 2 D Map Editor in HTML523. Building Automated Workflows With Node JS and Grunt24. Build a Game with Cocos2d-html5 Library.
Book Description If you are new to programming, let me congratulate you for choosing one of the best ways to learn it. Writing games can be way more fun and more rewarding than playing them. It will keep you on the edge of your seat when you first make something that you can move on the screen, when you first make something that resembles a game, when you first make something that is fun to play, and when you first put something out on the Internet for others to enjoy. You will soon discover that programming is no black magic, but just a bunch of simple concepts glued together. If you are new to Java Script, the syntax can be quite confusing and some of its concepts may seem alien at first. But hidden under all that “wait, what?” moments is a language that is actually quite powerful, elegant, and concise. Stick to the simple stuff at the beginning, but don’t be too afraid to get your feet wet. If you come back to something you wrote a month ago, you will have discovered more explicit and easier ways to do it. This is true for every language, but the learning curve of Java Script is an especially rewarding one. If you are new to game development, you will see that it’s no more difficult than any other kind of development. Once you get the idea of a game loop in your head and understand how objects are moved over time, everything else will suddenly make sense. One of the biggest revelations when I started to make games was how almost comically fast computers are. The amount of things you can do in 16 milliseconds, 60 times per second, is truly astonishing. At the same time, it’s astonishing how easily you can end up doing huge amounts of operations. Compare 100 objects with each other? That’s 10,000 comparisons! Still, you can do such things and much more. So don’t be afraid to try things that you think may be too slow. Your game will most likely not be bound by computation.
e Book Description: Get to grips with the latest HTML5, Canvas, CSS, and Java Script techniques Learn to create exciting puzzle games, action games, multiplayer, and Box2 D physics A task-based approach to achieve practical skills required for game development Who This Book Is For HTML5 Game Development by Example, 2nd Edition is for web designers who have a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Java Script and want to create Canvas or DOM-based games that run on browsers. What You Will Learn Build real-time network multiplayer games Add physics to your canvas games by using the Box2 D physics engine Build a CSS3-driven card game with transform and 3 D flipping effects Learn to add sounds to your games Make a drawing tool in Canvas Create multiple layers in a canvas game Store game data persistently by using local storage Use sprite sheets to create frame-based animation In Detail HTML5 is a markup language used to structure and present content for the World Wide Web and is a core technology of the Internet. It is supported across different platforms and is also supported by various browsers. Its innovative features, such as canvas, audio, and video elements, make it an excellent game building tool. HTML5 Game Development by Example Beginner’s Guide Second Edition is a step-by-step tutorial that will help you create several games from scratch, with useful examples. Starting with an introduction to HTML5, the chapters of this book help you gain a better understanding of the various concepts and features of HTML5. By the end of the book, you’ll have the knowledge, skills, and level of understanding you need to efficiently develop games over the network using HTML5. e Book Details: HTML5 Game Development by Example, 2nd Edition Written by: Makzan Published by: Packt Publishing Date Published: ISBN: Available in: PDF e Book Download Link.
HTML5 Game Development – Lesson 1 HTML5 tutorial. Starting today we begin a series of articles on game development in HTML5. In our first article we will cover the basics – working with the canvas, creating simple objects, fill, and some linked event handlers by mouse. Also, pay attention at this stage, we will study this basis, not immediately work in 3 D with Web GL. But we will get back to Web GL in the future. In each next article we will make something new. The first time we create an object with seven vertices, in these vertices we will draw circles, we will able to move these vertices with dragging circles. Also we fill our result object with semi-transparent color. I think that this is enough for beginning. Live Demo Ok, download the example files and lets start coding! Step 1. HTMLHere are all html of my demoindex.html HTML5 Game step 1 (demo) | Script Tutorials

Step 2. CSSHere are used CSS styles.css/main.css general styles * margin:0; padding:0; body background-color: bababa; background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(600px 300px, circle, ffffff, bababa 60% background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(600px 300px, circle, ffffff, bababa 60% background-image: -o-radial-gradient(600px.