Card code crack 200

System Requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Three clever code-breakers have proved they have what it takes to be budding spies after cracking GCHQ's Christmas card 'impossible puzzle'. The winners, all men, battled through five rounds and beat 600,000 people to come the closest to fully solving the series of challenges. The head-scratching brainteasers were set by the director of the UK's national intelligence and security agency, Robert Hannigan, in his Christmas card. David Mc Bryan, one of the final three, said the possibility of winning was driving him along as he attempted to outsmart the GCHQ cryptographers. Read more: Take the test and see if you what it takes to be a spy The 41-year-old, originally from Dublin, but now living in Edinburgh said: I thought I had solved it, but a news report came out a few days ago saying nobody had. so I went back and had another look and figured out what I missed, but I was too late at that point. But it seems that everyone else missed it as well and I was joint closest. It was challenging - a very well-constructed set of puzzles, I'd recommend it to anyone actually. It's enjoyable but it's tough. Code cracked: Three men won GCHQ's Christmas competition Mr Mc Bryan, a former Fifteen to One game show winner who now writes questions for the show, studied maths and artificial intelligence at university. He said logical rigorous thinking was needed to be a good puzzle-solver but that most of all it's got to be just the experience of doing puzzles - the more you do the better you'll get at it. The compendium of word and number puzzles took a team of eight GCHQ cryptographers two months to compile, and included a mix of past and fresh challenges - with plenty of hidden material. The first stage was a grid-shading exercise which, when completed, revealed a scannable QR bar code to direct people to the next part. Puzzlers then had to work out URLs and IP addresses through.
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Stop being an ass and don't pirate songs and movies. Pirate money and get legal material! Chinese hackers have cracked the algorithm that generates the i Tunes Store gift cards: You can get 0 for .60. According to the blog of Outdustry—a music industry consultancy firm in China—the market is getting inundated with this pirate cards, with prices falling quickly. You can find 0 i Tunes Music cards in Taobao for as low as , and the blog is reporting prices of .60. Click to view Nobody knows what this means for Apple yet. For sure, a change of the formula that generates the vouchers looks like a definitive possibility, but that won't solve the situation of legal cards already in the market. [ Outdustry and Taobao via.
i Tunes gift cards worth 0 are now sold on a Chinese Website for merely . But that's not a crazy sales promotion from Apple - it's actually a group of Chinese hackers who broke Apple's gift certificate algorithm and are now using a key generator to sell bargain gift cards on the Internet. The somehow legitimate gift cards are sold on Taobao, the biggest Ebay-like site in China. A 0 gift card can be bought for as little as .60 and the buyer gets a gift voucher code from the seller via Taobao's integrated instant messaging platform. The code can then be used to redeem the card from a user's i Tunes account, according to Chinese blog Outdustry. On Ebay U. S., 0 Apple i Tunes Gift cards codes can be bought for as little , including a free tutorial creating U. S. $ account. But Outdustry says the codes from China are so cheap because more people went into this business in the last six months and prices had go down. The Chinese code seller also said that he buys the gift card codes from hackers and then makes a profit once more codes are sold. Because Apple has not yet commented on the matter, it is not known whether the codes generated by the Chinese hackers could give headaches to gift cards customers in the U. S. There is the possibility that the hacked codes could be present on legitimate 0 gift cards on the shelves right now and buyers could pay for an invalid card. At the same time, if Apple decides to change the gift voucher code generation algorithm, all the cards and codes on the market right now would be rendered obsolete, putting the company in a tricky position. In the current situation, the only ones making money out of the hacked i Tunes gift cards are the code sellers themselves and the artists who are still getting paid when their songs are bought on i Tunes. Note: At the time of writing this article, the Gift Cards/ Vouchers section of the U. S.